Decentralized Peer-to-peer Network While Having Fun
We believe our mined Haroldcoins are no less real than the infinite printing being done by most of the world's governments at the time. At least computer resources and electricity for the mining creates a base value for something. Unlike Dollars, Euros, Pounds, other currencies, and many types of cryptocurrency, HRLD actually requires proof-of-work and unlike their inflationary system we believe in a deflationary system. Why not do this and have fun at the same time? Money printer may go BRRR, but HRLD sure doesn't. Also, since we love Harold so much, we believe Harold should be immortalized on the internet, for being one of the most famous memes. If some king who once existed can have his face printed on gold coins, for sure Harold who is more worthy deserves to have a modern form to commerorate his greatness.
PHI1612-based Mining Algorithm
PHI1612 has been developed as a combination of dual X17 algos with unique combinations and 128 bit headers. This system is energy efficient and most importantly it is ASIC-resistant and stable. The following miners work for HRLD: CCMiners, SGMiners. For securing the beginning network, you are invited to join us in mining Haroldcoin. You can mine with a GPU (graphics card), even if your computer is a potato, so why not join us? Enter the party now that this thing is still fresh and reward is high while difficulty is low. Can you say:
Mining Haroldcoin is Easy, Anyone can do it!
Mining Haroldcoin is quite simple. It used to be CPU only, but now we have a GPU pool.
Click here for instructions on how to mine with GPU (thanks to Gizzmonius and Rigo for this guide). There are two mining pools: the Haroldpool, at and Zpool, at We look forward to having you join our mining pools! Also, we have a page that covers the pools at
MiningPoolStats. If you are having trouble mining, it is possible that your antivirus/firewall is giving issues, simply whitelist the mining program in antivirus settings, and the pool's IP address in firewall settings.
Buying Haroldcoin
In case you would like to purchase Haroldcoin, we are listed on FINEXBOX. In there we have a pair for HRLD/USDT. We are currently working on getting listed on more exchanges.
Update 23 Februari 2023: we are currently also listed on Xeggex.
Market Capitalizations
Contact The Team Or Community
To contact us you can drop us a line in either of the following places:
- Telegram
- Discord
Browse More Of Our Doc Files
We have more documents available to understand how to use Haroldcoin.
To view all the doc files visit: AtticStudios
Frequently Asked Questions About Haroldcoin
Can I set up a Masternode myself?
Yes! Setting up your own Masternode is quite doable. Click here for Windows instructions. If you want, there are also instructions on how to use Ubuntu to set it up (thanks to Gizzmonius).
Are there instructions on how to use it on Ubuntu?
You can find out how you can install the wallet on Unbuntu 18.04 by clicking here.
Where can I see the list of Masternodes?
You can view the list of masternodes on this page: clicky clicky..
Will there be an Android wallet? How about MacOS?
We are working on it!
I would like to use a Docker for running a Haroldcoin Masternode
Thanks to Gizzmonius, you can use Docker to build an image that runs Harold a Haroldcoin masternode. Click here for instructions.
I would like to use a Docker for running Haroldcoin QT/Client
Thanks to Rigo, you can use Docker to build an image that runs the Haroldcoin wallet. Click here for instructions.
How Do I Get My Wallet's Private Key?
To get the private key of your wallet, go to tools -> debug console. In the console, type in the command: dumpprivkey "your wallet address".
Who Is Hide The Pain Harold?

"Hide the Pain Harold" refers to a stock photo model named András Arató, a retired electrical engineer from Hungary. He became an unexpected internet sensation due to his perceived awkward and forced smile in various stock photos. The images of him have been widely shared online, leading to him being labeled as "Hide the Pain Harold," suggesting that behind his smile, he's hiding some form of pain or discomfort.
These stock images became popular on various online platforms and were turned into countless memes, with users humorously speculating about the "pain" Harold might be hiding.
András Arató, embracing his meme status, has since appeared in a few advertisements and YouTube videos, and has even done interviews discussing his unexpected fame. He's known to be good-natured about the entire phenomenon and often interacts with fans on social media platforms.